More Than Words

Words, in today’s time may not always hold weight the way they used to. Someone like myself, I share my thoughts and feelings better through writing, which makes me the type of person to enjoy texting how I feel than trying to talk about it. Writing (or texting) my thoughts allows me to thoroughly think about my words before I say them, as well as try my best to articulate my emotions.

However, the truth is, its not just me in this world, and I damn sure learn that everyone will not comprehend my communication style, even if it’s explained to them. So, I choose to immerse myself in my art. When I say art I’m speaking about sound, and music. This is one of the reasons why I started the audio series. To sonically share my story and hope that you can connect with what I am saying.

Although I do not expect you to feel the way I felt during its creation, I only hope for you to connect at all. To feel something, to trigger a thought, feeling, emotion, anything that heightens your senses and opens your mind. This is why I call it The Frequency Chemist Experience. Its a safe space to feel something, try something, release something, do something.